My Favorite People, Places and Things!
Through trial and error, I've amassed whom I believe are the best peoples and I want you to know them too!
There is NO better way to build a business than through referrals.
Beauty/Skin Care (ORGANIC):
Elle Albert: 512.745.5082 https://www.ellealbert.com/
Botox n Stuff (lasers, regenerative med)
Julie Bennet RNP@ Skin Bar: 512.826.0903: https://www.skinbartexas.com/
Car Concierge: NOT salesperson. Leasing god! #whitegloveservice:
Sam Childs: Apple Leasing: 512.797.6683
Chiropractor (and I haven't ever liked any chiro before him!):
Jon Eberly: https://www.precisionchiropracticatx.com/
Jon Swanson: https://www.beecavechiro.com/
Cosmetic Tattoo/Permanent Make up (yes, it's a thing!):
Jette Lea: 512. 829.8825. jlepmu@gmail.com
Dentist: Skyridge Dental: 512.402.9090
DNA Testing for Nutrition and Fitness:
Kati Epps: https://mybodygx.com/
Family Doctor:
Dr Hill Family 512.428.5764
Financial Guru:
Mike, Tim and Justin: https://www.integrativewealthpartners.com/
Tobias Flores: info@bellavistalandscaping.com
Gyno (Nurse Practitioner): Dr Hil (see above)
Aspen (color): Citrine Salon 512.983.5544
Ramses (a ball of energy!): Wild Orchid Salon: 512.263-1726
Handymen...seriously THE best and sweetest:
-Austin: Robert Elliot: 512.500.4114 (he's crazy busy and worth the wait)
-Austin: Max: 512.312.8972
-Los Angeles: Julio: 818.454.3290
Carlos: Air Comfort Systems: 512.909.1235
Bob: 42 Mechanical: 512.986.0871
Interior Design:
-Texas AND California: Kimberly Rider: https://www.kimberlyrider.com/
Jewelry (amazing gifts!:
-Austin: MK Rowins: Sweetwater Designs: 512.810.0640
-Los Angeles: Claude Morady: https://claudemorady.com/
-Nor Cal: Belinda Wickwire: 415.785.7519
Jerky AND Bed N Breakfast!? YUM! https://www.packsupply.co/
Keepsake Jewelry by Talla:
Massage Therapist/Body Worker:
Eric Mendelman: 512.757.6006
PKNail Spa: 512.263.9408
Physical Therapist (I wouldn't go elsewhere):
Texas: Brandon White: Optimal Performance Physical Therapy: 361.648.0683
Los Angeles: David Fabrizio: 661.7133.6565
Pilates Teacher/Posture Police:
Karen Schwalbe Jones (Me), of course! 323.422.6586
Pilates Studio for Group Reformer Classes:
Austin: Again- Pilates.Evolved. (of course!): https://www.ksjpilatesevolved.com/
Los Angeles: Mind & Motion: https://mindandmotionpilates.com/
Skin Care (specializes in damaged & acne skin care): http://www.theskinmaven.com/
Travel Agency: Kelly Corbin @ https://pathfinderstravelandtours.com/
Trust & Estate Lawyer:
Texas: Charlotte Shivers Johnson: Charlotte@shiversjohnsonlaw.com
Calif and NY: Katherine Southard: https://www.southardestateplanning.com/