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Thoughtful Thursday: Still Give Love (on other days than Vday)

...while I'm not super religious, this feels good.

Love Means Giving

John 3:16 KJV 16 For God so loved the world, that he gave . . .

You can give without loving, but you can't love without giving.

When you love you will give of your time, you will give of yourself, and you will give of your resources. Those who truly love, hold nothing back.

The measure of your giving reveals the measure of your love.

Love is something we can't see, but we can see the evidence of love in the action it produces, which is giving.

If you love someone you will also give them forgiveness. Love causes you to be merciful, understanding, and forgiving.

Where you give your time and resources also reveals what you love. If we think we love someone, yet never give to them of our time or resources, then we are just deceiving ourselves....


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