Wellness Wednesday: FATS
This week's #oneminutewellness is the #second of 3 parts; This week is FATS and the next is CARBS.
Why? There's a TON of misinformation, or wrong, and/or too much that it's overwhelming.
What is FAT? (also called Lipids)
3 of them:
-->saturated: found mainly in animal proteins & in some oils (coconut, palm, etc) AND is used by your liver to make cholesterol which is used to produce hormones: YOUR BODY MUST HAVE THIS to keep hormone production going!
-->polyunsaturated: some fish oils This fat may help lower total cholesterol but limit it. Many are changed to hardened forms (hydrogenation): butter, margarine, shortening. This process adds in more fat in less space (so to speak). Less is more here...👊
-->monounsaturated: Found in veggie and nut oils. Can lower cholesterol total, LDL and/or HDL (if you don't know those: google it)
FAT #truth
EAT WHOLE FOODS. Not processed. And you really won’t have to worry about getting fat.
Ain't nothing like the real thing peoples! 😄
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FB: Karen Schwalbe-Jones
IG: pilates.evolved.