My sister @skinmaven sent this to me. I had called her for a pep talk bc I was struggling and well, turns out she knows and feels a thing-or-two. ❤️ I had expectations of what was supposed to happen and just couldn’t see nor appreciate the present and allow things to happen. It’s like I was silently fighting myself! I was also feeling sad bc I was away from my beautiful life in Austin only to feel uncomfortable in LA (irony, I get it). I am loving my work here and seeing these incredible people! I love where my new work & brand is taking me! However, I am not at all comfortable without my peoples, my set schedule, and my normal routine #socialintrovert Me thinks this is what that “growth” thing is. It pops up in mysterious ways eh? 😘 So. Today: I will let go of my expectations and simply embrace the present. 🙏 Well, I’ll do my best. Thank you my Sissie! I love you! . . . #growth #learn #inspire #expectations #love #support #sister #staypresent #bepresent #alwaysastudent