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THURSDAY: #oneminutewellness

We all have and make choices. Working out is ALWAYS about making choices from our goals. #always

🔻Check it out: CHOOSE 3 WORKOUT GOALS? Let’s say yours: 1️⃣you want bigger legs. 2️⃣smaller waist (the two go together well!) 3️⃣and a better VO2 max (look it up 👍) CHOOSE HOW? ▶️Research? ▶️Hire a teacher/trainer, a dietitian; an #expert to help you get there? ✨Having and making choices in anything may feel overwhelming but, it’s also empowering, exciting and fun! ENJOY! Below is a pretty decent workout for bigger OR denser legs. YOUR CHOICE! 📍Leg Building Workout Programs: BIGGER LEGS: Heavier/Less Reps Barbell Squat. 4x4-6 reps. Dumbbell Lunges. 4x12 reps each leg. Leg Press. 3x12-15 reps. Lying Leg Curls. 3x10-12 reps. Leg Extensions. 3x20 reps. Standing Calf Raises. 4x12 reps. Box squats: 2x8 10 reps DENSER LEGS: Lighter/More Reps Squat Jump. 2X20 Side Lunge 2x20 Single-Leg Hip Raise. 2x20 Stand with your feet hip-width apart, hands on hips. 2X20 Bulgarian Split Squat Jumps. 3x15 Box Squats. (Plyo big muscle fun!) 3x10-12 . Thank you @h_tricas for the posting help/love! 😘 (look at my instagram or FB!)

IG: pilatesevolved

FB: ksjpilatesevolved . #oneminutewellness #pilatesevolved

#pilates.evolved#choices #goals #life#workoutgoals #youdoyou#iloveworkingout #pilates #run #lift#weights #trx #vibramfivefingers#bodyweightworkout #somanychoices#havefun #pilatesstudio #lightening#austinweather #iloveaustin ♥️

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