Wednesday Workout: Do 3 MoreStaying with my "more" theme... Workouts are just that: workouts. YOUR workout needs to be specifically for YOU. Why? All bodies are...
More Lemon Peel. Less Cancer. Yep.I'm working on my blogging consistency. So, whomever is reading my rambles will know what day to find what! I now bequeath Tuesdays to...
Thursday's TipEvery Thursday, I will write a SHORT fit/life tip. You have choices. Yes, you really do. I know of what I me. You may...
WW (Wednesday Workout)New Wednesday. Every Wednesday. Gratefully! It's also referred to as humpday...just sometimes hard to get over the hump. I'll post a...
You Have ChoicesYou really do! Gratefully! I mean, there are always exceptions. However, if you're reading this- you have choices. One of them is...